Circle of Lights
CommunityA place to understand, discover and experience. Support for a deeply transformative journey. This community is also a place to better understand the books, meditations and movies I created. All, to facilitate this journey. Nadege
Unlock all that you are
CourseThe First part of the journey. The Awakening. The Soul journey. The kundalini happens and starts the descension of all that we are. The greatest Light we have always been and ever will be. The embodiment process starts.
Beyond what is
CourseThe second part of the journey. The descension of all that we are, that started post kundalini is complete. But there is still much happening, to transform the human interface. We integrate the Soul, the Galactic root race, and go Beyond it.
Andaras, crystals and stones for an awakening humanity
CourseThe Andaras, Crystals and stones are pushing and supporting us with all their Light, all their might, to help us realize our full potential, unravel the layers and reveal the Being of Light living within us.
Mudras & gestures, Mantras & affirmations :Energetic Repatterning™ and the creation of symbols
CourseThe Mudras, Mantras create Energetic Repatterning™ in the body. The energies move along the meridians, the nadis, the etheric structure, the multidimensional pathways. They further your evolution.
Cards collections
CourseActivations to further you evolution and support your journey. Each echoing in your own Awakening journey, triggering codes, expansion and more...